How to Deal If Your Libido Is Lower Than Your SO's
It’s something that you can work
on — and through — together.
Sexual desire ebbs and flows.
It’s totally normal for you to not be in the mood today but want to jump your
partner tomorrow, or for your partner to want it on the daily while you prefer
more of a weekly get-down. But what if you feel like you and your partner have
completely mismatched libidos and that it’s impacting the quality of your
In a recent survey of 1,686
sexually active women ages 25 to 49*, 27% of respondents said their partners
just didn’t understand why they weren’t regularly in the mood for sex.
For those with a male partner,
some of this may come down to hormones, particularly testosterone, which in men
is thought to regulate their sex drive. “Men have more
testosterone, so they may be confused and wonder, ‘How can you not want sex?
Isn’t that just a natural drive?’” says somatic psychologist and certified sex
therapist Holly Richmond,
But no matter what sex your
partner is, there are ways to navigate this situation so you feel better
understood and less anguished about your level of sexual interest. Try the expert
advice below and find what works for you.
Talk about it
We know: easier said than done.
Talking about sex with your partner puts you in a super vulnerable place.
However, it also means working on this together — and potentially even becoming
“Be as honest and candid as
possible,” recommends Karen
Stewart, Psy.D., a clinical psychologist in Los Angeles who specializes in
sex and couples therapy. “Women lose sexual desire for all sorts of reasons.”
These could include changes in your body, depression or anxiety, the death of a
loved one, losing your job, or having a baby.
Whatever your case, talk to your
partner about your reasons and let them know you don’t want this to be the
status quo, that you are going to work on this, and that you want them to be
Consider how your partner feels
If the person you love and have
sex with on the regular suddenly told you that their sex drive was MIA, your
first reaction might be, “What did I do? Or not do?” Your partner probably
feels exactly the same way. “They may immediately think it’s about them,”
Stewart says. “They may wonder, ‘Are you not attracted to me anymore? Am I not
doing the right thing?’”
If it’s not about them, say so.
Explain what is going on and that you want to work through this as a team. If
your partner is a guy, you could compare your situation to erectile dysfunction
(ED), something most young men know about even if they’re not part of the
estimated 30%
who experience it, suggests Richmond. A man’s ED has nothing to do with his
partner — there are physiological and psychological causes. The same could be
happening for you.
If, however, your partner plays
a role in your decreased desire, you should also think about speaking up about
that. For example, maybe you fight often, and you hate how that makes you feel.
Or perhaps you love them, but you feel like roommates rather than spouses.
Give some thought to therapy
If talking with your partner
doesn’t get you on the road to improvement, you may want to see a therapist,
either with your partner or alone, Stewart says. “If a couple weeks or months
go by and this impacts other areas of your lives, and you’re fighting all the
time, see someone,” she says. “It’s better to catch any resentment early than
to try to recover from it.”
Additionally, solo sessions can
help you identify the underlying causes of your low libido and find ways to
resolve those issues. According to a 2018 paper in Mayo Clinic Proceedings, research suggests
that cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) reduces the severity of symptoms and
may improve sexual satisfaction in women with low desire.
Figure out what you think is sexy
According to Richmond, women’s
desire is a balance of accelerators and brakes. If your libido is super low,
something has your brake pedal slammed to the floor. You need to identify your
accelerators, or what turns you on. This could be a massage from your partner,
watching porn, or reading erotica.
Another option: Simply try
something new on date night, like a street art tour, a pottery class or that
new Korean restaurant, rather than your usual dinner and a movie ritual.
“Novelty goes a long way to rekindling the erotic,” Richmond says. “It sparks
desire, curiosity, and all those things that make us feel alive.” Therapy can
also help you figure out what accelerators will get you going, she adds.
Do everything but have sex
“Women are often craving
physical connection and intimate interaction as opposed to intercourse,”
Stewart says. So make a no-sex rule. Instead, for 10 to 20 minutes, simply gaze
into each others’ eyes (sounds cheesy, but trust the experts!) or kiss and make
out without having sex or even touching each others’ genitals.
Whatever you do, keep all
devices off and out of the room so that you have zero distractions. When
there’s no pressure to have sex, you’ll be more interested in doing these
activities. Plus, you’ll both feel connected.
Ask your doctor about other options
If your sex drive has
continuously stayed flat for six months and this lack of desire causes
distress, you may have a condition known as hyposexual
desire disorder (HSDD), which affects about 10 percent of women.
Talk to your doctor about your
symptoms and what you can do about them. Beyond therapy to address any
thoughts, behaviors, and relationship issues that interfere with your libido,
treatment may include medication that’s been found to help increase desire.
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