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    How to Be Happy Being Single

    How to Be Happy Being Single

    Though you may not see it right now, there are ways to enjoy being single and free. And honestly, learning how to be happy being single is helped with that view.

    Samantha from Sex in the City wasn’t wrong. Singleness isn’t so bad, especially if you learn to enjoy the unique freedoms of learning how to be happy being single.

    How to be happy being single

    When I was single, I was always trying to find a partner. I wanted to be with someone so desperately because I felt that it was time. Ironically, I did end up meeting someone and we fell in love, but at that point, I had already given up and got used to being single.
    Now, if you ask me if I miss the single life, I confidently say that I do. But why would I miss it? Well, there’s something beautiful about having the choice to do whatever you want without consulting someone else.
    If you want to shower, you can have one. If you want to spend eight days in your underwear, you can do that too and no one will say anything. But things are a bit different when you’re with someone. It’s no longer just about you, which, honestly can be a hard pill to swallow when you’re used to being single.
    If you’re single, don’t worry, you’ll meet someone. But for now, enjoy every moment of having all the time in the world to focus on yourself. That is the key to understanding how to be happy being single.

    #1 Appreciate your alone time. 

    When you’re not at work or going out with your friends, you may be thinking that the excess time you have on your own is boring. But you’re wrong. This is the time where you get to do whatever you want.
    You can have a two-hour long bubble bath, you can watch a television series for four hours straight, or enjoy a cup of coffee on your balcony with your favorite music playing.

    #2 Focus on the people that matter. 
    Now is the time to invest in developing relationships that matter to you. If you don’t see your mom that often, spend more time with her. If you want to see your friends from high school, go see them. Being single isn’t about being alone. You’re not alone, that’s what you’re not realizing.

    #3 Take on challenges. 

    When we’re in a relationship, we tend to rely on the other person to help us out, but when you’re single, you have to figure out things on your own. Of course, your friends and family can help you out, but if your toilet overflows, you may not have the time to ask others for help. This is when you get to be creative and solve challenges on your own.

    #4 Meet new people. 

    Being single is great for meeting new people. When we’re in relationships, we tend to nest and spend most of our time watching Netflix, cuddled up on the couch and eating dangerously addicting snacks. Now, this isn’t bad, but if this has happened to you, you notice that you usually don’t have many friends left.

    #5 Focus on yourself. 

    Listen, when you have a partner and kids, they distract you, and you sometimes end up losing yourself in the process. But when you’re single, it’s all about you which is what makes it so great. Spend time to see what areas you need to work on. That way, when you want a partner, you’re not entering a relationship full of untouched baggage.

    #6 Do meaningful work. 

    Because you’re single, you’re able to focus only on your own needs. This means, you don’t have to worry about anyone else and you can take risks which will only affect you. But that’s what’s amazing.
    Now is the time to try things out that you’ve always wanted to do. If you don’t like your job, now is the chance for you to give a jab at something new. Of course, you can do this while in a relationship, but you may not because you want security.

    How to Be Happy Being Single

    #7 Go on dates. 

    You’re single, not dead. This is the time where you should be going on dates and looking at qualities that you want in a partner. Being single doesn’t mean you need to sit at home crying about how you don’t have anyone. No way. Instead, now is the time where you should have fun in the dating scene.

    #8 Travel. 

    You can travel alone, with family, or with friends. The point is that you don’t have to spend your time waiting for some guy or girl to walk by and steal your heart. Go get a plane ticket and fly somewhere new! Go experience life! Why do you need a partner to have an adventure? Here’s the answer: you don’t.

    #9 Be totally weird. 

    If you want to appreciate your single life, then you have to let yourself go and be weird. We’re all weird, and now you should use your weirdness and show it to the world. Do things that you want to do that you’ve never done. Of course, make sure it’s safe, but don’t limit yourself because you think it’s too weird. Nothing is too weird. Okay, wait… maybe a couple things… 

    #10 Do whatever you want. 

    But really, just do whatever you want. This is the best way to live your single life. If you wanna sleep in on the weekends, do it. If you want to go dancing on a Tuesday night, do it. You don’t have to worry about anyone else, you just have yourself to think about. Which is great!

    #11 Make mistakes. 

    Make a lot of mistakes. You’re single, this doesn’t mean your life is over. If anything, this is where your life begins. Okay, don’t put yourself in terribly dangerous situations, but, definitely risk it sometimes. Life is meant to be lived, regardless of the relationship status you have on Facebook. So make mistakes, please.

    #12 Take time to heal. 

    You may be freshly single which means you may be feeling sad or hurt which are feelings completely normal. This is the time where you give yourself the self-love and time to heal. If you want to be happy being single, heal your past wounds.

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